Thearom Ret

Dr. Thearom Ret

Research Fellow

Dr. RET Thearom obtained a Ph.D. in social psychology, specializing in the social psychology of work and organizations, from the Aix-Marseille University (AMU), France. He also has a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology from the University of Toulouse II-Le Mirail, France, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodia. Dr. Ret has been a faculty member teaching and conducting research at the department of psychology of RUPP since 2011. In addition, he currently teaches BA, MA, and Ph.D. students in psychology, social work, leadership, and educational research in the field of social and behavioral sciences at various higher education institutions. Dr. RET has more than ten years of experience teaching, coaching, supervision, research, and psychological treatment for NGOs and private and public institutions. His research interests and areas of expertise involve mainly mental health issues in the workplace, problems of learning and teaching in school settings, evidence-based approaches in psychotherapy, Applied Social Psychology and Neuroscience for leadership, diplomacy, and community healing.
