Media and Communication Technology Program Overview

Media and Communication Technology Program Overview

Program Overview

A Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Technology is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on various aspects of media technology, including digital media production, telecommunications, multimedia systems, and network engineering. It combines the study of communication theories, media production, digital technologies, and business management. The overall purpose of this program is to equip students with necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the rapid growth of media and communication technology in order to prepare them for careers in media and communication companies or self-employment as independent media producers. Throughout the 4-year program, students will learn about the emerging technologies, history and theory of media and communication. The program will provide practical aspects of producing various media forms such as audio, video, and web content. Students will gain an understanding of digital technologies and their impact on communication practices and media industries. In addition, students will have opportunities to complete internships or other practical experiences to gain hands-on experience in the field at the industry or virtually.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the principles, theories, and practices of media and communication technology.
  • Apply practical knowledge and skills of various hardware and software tools to design, create, and produce digital content.
  • Communicate effectively through different mediums of communication, including writing, speaking, and visual media.
  • Critically analyze situations, identify problems, and develop solutions using creative and innovative approaches.
  • Work collaboratively with others from diverse backgrounds, and aware of ethical issues related to media and communication technologies and demonstrate professionalism.
  • Adapt to changes in technology and media landscapes and continue to learn and update new skills throughout the career pathway.

Program Structure

The 4-year Bachelor’s Degree program contains 156 credits combining from 106 credits of coursework, 48 credits of internship and 2 credits of Industrial Placement Report. The courses are divided into three categories, including Common Courses, Specialized Courses, and Elective Courses.

Common courses 

ENG101: Core English

ENG102: Core English

ENG103: Academic Writing Skills 

RES101: Research Methods

RES102: Research Methods

PRO101: Basic Programming  

PRO101: Computer Fundamentals

CHN101: Chinese

CHN102: Chinese

STA101: Statistics and Probability

PHI101: Philosophy and Anthropology of Technology


9 internships (3 internships per term)

Specialised courses

MCT101: Introduction to Media and Communication Technology 

MCT102:  Introduction to Digital Imaging and Design 

KHM101: Introduction to Khmer Studies and History

MCT203: Data Analyics and visualization 

MCT204: Multimedia Storytelling 

MCT205: Video and Audio Production

MCT206: Digital Photography for Artists

MCT207: Social Media Marketing and Strategies

MCT208: Public Relations and Advertising 

MCT 209: Emerging Technologies in Media 

MCT210: Media Management and Entrepreneurship 

MCT211: Creative Writing for Digital Landscape

MCT312: Digital Media & Visual Communication

MCT313: 3D Modelling and Animation

MCT314: Multiplatform Content Creation

MCT315: Motion Graphics

MCT316: Social Media Production and Branding

MCT317: Media Law and Ethics

MCT318: Producing Live Media and Field Reporting

MCT319: Voice-over in Media 

MCT320: Media Station Management

Elective courses

SDE101: Social and Digital Entrepreneurship

HUM101: Introduction to Humanities

GLO101: Global Studies 

ENV101: Environment and Geography 

PRO102: Object-Oriented Programming 

MAT101: Applied Math

ATR101: Fine Arts 

ARC101: Computer-Aided Design

PHY101: Physics

BIO101: Biology and Chemistry 

ARC101: Architectural Representation

ECO101: Principles of Economics 

(other 6 elective courses from other faculties)

Job Prospects

  • Public Relations Specialist 
  • Media and Communications Specialist
  • Media Studio Officer/Manager
  • Journalism Professional
  • Public Relation Officer/Manager
  • Media Photo and Video Editor
  • Media Graphic and Content Designer
  • Digital Marketing Officer/Manager