The forum aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of AI governance within the Cambodian context, addressing key facets such as ethical considerations in the public sector, the intersection of data privacy and business innovation, regulatory landscapes that will shape AI development, and the societal impact of AI. In the initial segment of the forum, our distinguished keynote speakers focus on the ethical implementation of AI in both public and private sectors. Following that, in the subsequent section, our panelists will tackle the societal ramifications of AI and the importance of regulating AI to promote its beneficial impact on our society. The forum will bring together key stakeholders from academia, industry, and government officials to engage in meaningful discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaborative problem-solving.
Tentative Agenda
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Registration and Networking
Welcome and Registration Attendees Networking Opportunity
Senior Minister and Chair, ECOSOCC, Distinguished Professor of Technology and Humanities
2:05 pm - 2:10 pm
History of AI Forum
HE. Hul Seingheng, MISTI
President and Co-Founder of AI Forum Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation
2:10 pm - 2:20 pm
Keynote Speech
“AI Made Easy”
H.E. Chhem Siriwat
Vice President and Co-Founder of AI Forum
This keynote speech will be an engaging and comprehensive guide for AI enthusiasts to understand artificial intelligence. Through clear explanations and relatable examples, participants will learn the fundamentals of AI, machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning.
2:20 pm - 2:40 pm
Keynote Speech
“Transforming the Public Sector: The Role of AI in Efficiency and Service Delivery”
Prof. Chhem Kieth Rethy
Senior Minister and Chair, ECOSOCC, Distinguished Professor of Technology and Humanities
This keynote speech focuses on the applications of AI tools in the public sector, highlighting their potential to enhance efficiency and service delivery at ECOSOCC and the Legal Council of the Council of Ministers. Emerging issues such as the lack of regulation, data privacy concerns, skill gaps, and ethical considerations will also be addressed to underscore the importance of responsible AI development, deployment and use.
2:40 pm - 3:00 pm
Keynote Speech
“Data Privacy and Business Innovation”
Mr. Chim Poly
Canadia Bank
Examining the intricate relationship between data privacy and fostering business innovation through AI. Our distinguished keynote speakers will discuss the balance required to stimulate innovation while safeguarding individual privacy rights, drawing relevance from Cambodia’s evolving economic landscape.
Panelists will discuss strategies to ensure AI technologies benefit diverse segments of the population, while addressing and mitigating biases. The goal is to stimulate a dialogue on how AI can contribute to equitable development in Cambodia.
4:00 pm - 4:40 pm
Panel Discussion
“Societal Impact of AI: Inclusivity and Bias”
Dr. May Thu
H.E. Chhem Siriwat
Panelist 1
Mr. Chim Poly
Panelist 2
Dr. Chen Sovan
Panelist 3
Understanding societal implications of AI, focusing on inclusivity and bias. Our panelists will discuss strategies to ensure AI technologies benefit diverse segments of the population, while addressing and mitigating biases. The goal is to stimulate a dialogue on how AI can contribute to equitable development in Cambodia.
Qualifications: Executive Master in Audiovisual Production Techniques from Istituto Fellini, Italy and BA in Economy from Ca’ Foscari University, Italy. Why CamTech: ………………………….