With aims to build partnerships and expand cooperation with higher education institutions in the region as well as around the globe, a delegation of CamTech University, led by Dr. Khieng Sothy, CamTech President, visited the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Pathum Thani, Thailand, on the afternoon of August 19, 2022, and had a discussion with the AIT leaders on possible collaboration between CamTech and AIT. The CamTech delegation received a warm welcome from Prof. Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal, Vice President of AIT, in charge of Academic Affairs. During the study visit and discussion, the representatives of both sides discussed a number of important points regarding the collaboration between the two institutions in the future, including (1) organizing the professor/lecturer and staff exchange; (2) organizing the capacity development programs for professors/lecturers and staff and the providing scholarship opportunities for the pursuit of master’s and doctoral degrees; (3) recognizing 5-year model of the Unified Bachelor-Master’s degree programs; (4) cooperating between the AIT Entrepreneurship Center and the CamTech Center for Social Innovation, especially on joint research projects and joint workshops to promote entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as to provide support for the activities of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), of which both institutions are currently members.
CamTech continues to build partnerships and expand cooperation with other higher educational institutions in the region and in the world, with the aim of establishing partnerships, networking, exchange of experiences, quality recognition, and other opportunities.